The World of Diversion, Dissonance, and Disdain
Today, I write with the full awareness and expectation that not many will take in these words but with a burning heart that aches at the anguish in the world I must write. There is a common thread that I can see that we have allowed to brew in our thinking for many years now and I will present them in a threefold manner. But first let me say that this is being written coming directly on the heels of the Florida school shooting, locally we have had school suicides, and yet another child has shot themselves this morning. This material of its own is confounding but what is more are the comments that follow events like these. The blatant disregard by those who furiously type as though their self-absorbed and cold opinions matter is utterly confusing. The lack of respect by those typing these comments is just puzzling on a grand scale because the comments are neither informative, helpful, further the cause, or add to the discussion. So what was the point of leaving the c...