
Showing posts from August, 2023

Open Theism and Evangelicalism

Abstract             When thinking about the knowledge of God or his power, humanity has struggled to find sufficient answers to how God has these attributes. The goal in this discourse is to see if a more modern option is evangelical or not. Open Theism has many proponents and has received significant backlash from its more conservative counterparts. Does Open Theism diminish the knowledge and/ or power of God? To what extent does this occur? The primary focus is to find if one can hold to an open view of God yet remain evangelical and to know if it is a viable option for Christians.   Outline Introduction Understanding Omniscience Defining Omniscience Views of Omniscience Understanding the Openness of God What does Clark Pinnock Believe Critiques Is Pinnock's View Evangelical Conclusion         Introduction             Discussing how God must or must not be is a complex topic to navigate due to the level of emotions attached to the idea of God.