
Showing posts from April, 2018

Oppression of the Mind and the Imprisonment of Christianity

            As the information tends to expand and our society grows there looms this ever-present cloud of exclusion. The content to follow may be difficult to grasp because of the linkage to a dark past and by no means is this comparison likened to the same in so far as the severity of physical punishment is concerned. But the idea that I present is one that is ideological and strikes at the core of what it means to be human, having a will.             The Christian faith has a dark past of enduring some of the harshest of punishments (and lashing out punishments as well, unbiblically I will add) during its infant stages of growth. Under some difficult years of persecution, many people stared death in the face just because they proclaimed Christ as their Lord. Under Nero, Decius, and Domitian (to name a few) the church experienced massive amounts of suffering due to claims brought against it such...