A Historical and Philosophical Defense of High Christology in the Gospels
Introduction Christology is our concern, and this is the study of Christ and more specifically I will be considering a high view of Christ which could be viewed as a top-down or divine look at Jesus. The goal in this discourse is to not be completely exhaustive but to present, at the very least a foundational case for a high view of Jesus for being divine. Ideally, there will be a presentation of a historical perspective and a philosophical in nature discussion of Jesus and point this to him being the Christ/ Messiah. There is historical evidence from those who wrote the Gospel accounts that can point us towards a high Christology and they also left ideas that can be considered philosophically which will be shown as a defense for an overall high or divine view of Jesus of Nazareth. Again, I do not intend for this to be an exhaustive account of all of the evidence or arguments that can be gleaned but rather an overar...