Pride has No Place in Apologetics
When you think of apologetics the main thing that most likely comes to mind is providing arguments in the defense of something you hold dear or important. With that picture in mind, anyone can be an apologist for just about anything: Muslim apologist, abortion apologist, Hindu apologist, etc. What I specifically want to deal with here is the Christian apologist. The verse that should be at the forefront of your mind regarding apologetics for Christianity is 1 Peter 3:15, be prepared always to give a reason for the hope that is in you and do so with gentleness and respect. As may be evident from the title of this discourse the focus is on the latter portion of this verse (gentleness and respect). When you picture in your mind that presenting arguments is what we are challenged to do it may seem quite difficult to argue gently and respectfully. However, I believe there may be a slight misstep here and it is thinking that we must "argue" for the faith. Arguing in the sense...