My Novus Christus Victor View of the Atonement of Christ
(Picture from Introduction You are about to embark on a theological journey with me. Let me first explain my general purpose for writing a theological treatise, as opposed to, my normal kind of writing. As of late, I have been studying the Atonement of Christ, which falls under Christology (the study of Christ). What I have found is that the views that have been held throughout time, some more recently, seem to be missing something or do not give a fully developed rendition of the Atonement. It should be stated I do not believe that I can develop a fully adequate idea of what the Atonement was or is or should be. Rather, my goal is to give a view that I believe does more justice to Christology than its predecessors. The general movement throughout this discourse will be to first, lay out a couple of the views that have been or are currently held. Secondly, to present the weakness (not all) o...