Apathy Hinders Inquiry: An Argument Against Apathy and Strong Agnosticism
Introduction It has been some time since my last article with a moderate amount of depth. Here, I intend on presenting an argument against apathy and strong agnosticism. The idea for this is that it seems to be a cultural mantra that we cannot “know” anything, especially if it concerns something outside of the physical world. However, with an apathetic or strongly agnostic attitude, this can hinder one’s ability at inquiry . When I say inquiry, I mean the general disposition at investigating or attempting to gain knowledge. Understanding the Meaning Though apathy and agnosticism are not traditionally merged, I do believe they are connected. First, let us look at the definitions of both and move forward from there. Apathy is “a lack of interest or concern.” [1] Strong agnosticism can be defined as “the view that any ultimate reality (such as...