
Showing posts from March, 2019

Response to "Why Christians Need to Accept Scientific Realities"

Here is another response video answering some general objections raised by The Atheist Voice YouTube Channel. Below you will find the original video so you can compare the content. Thanks for watching and subscribe! Original Video

Response to "10 Reasons Why the Bible is a Poorly Written Book"

This is a response that I made to the Atheist Voice YouTube Channel. I decided to breakdown each video that I do and post it in its own blog page. The main reason for this is so the content is easier to search for and I have the option to post the transcript and such. I hope that this makes accessing my content easier and better for those who take part in what I release. Thanks for your support. Original Video

A Tunnel to Suicide: A Call to Those Standing at the Threshold

Introduction             The title is indicative of what I intend on discussing. I should predicate this with the thought that I am not claiming that this is the only reason nor the only fix for the issue. This discourse is rather based on my personal perception/ experience of a potential cause for suicide. This is really being written in the hope's that someone who is having these thoughts will read this and find a possible fix or at least an aid in their travails. Also, I should say to those who are close to me, this is not some call for help but rather me looking to help based on feelings that I have had. With these predicate statements out of the way let me begin. (Picture Courtesy of The Tunnel             Typically, when these events take place most people a...

Know Your Why: The Importance of Apologetics

Introduction             Well, the day is here; its apologetics day and this writing is just going be something simple. The goal is to point out why we do apologetics and to show why I believe it is an important venture. There are plenty of sources that talk about this same topic, but I wanted to give some personal insight into this. Let us get it started then. Know Your Why             The phrase “know your why” does have some rather important meaning for the Christian. The main idea comes from 1 Peter 3:15 which says always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is in you and do so with gentleness and respect (my phrasing). A common statement made to me by a great number of people who have asked what I am studying (when I was in my Master’s) was “what are you apologizing for?” This statement is typically followed by a slight giggle since most of them...

Is God Necessary?

Introduction             Is God necessary? This seems like a rather interesting question when one decides to actually ponder it. The main reason for this discourse is centered around the general question that many seekers (or would be debunkers) ask, then who created God? I do not plan to answer this question directly but rather want to present some analyses of certain things and let the reader come to the conclusion. This whole discussion centers around the idea of contingent and necessary beings. The ontological argument (i.e. the argument that says God is necessary, so God exists, and this is predicated on the idea that God is the greatest conceivable being) essentially reasons that God is necessary so, therefore, God exists. This is the general path that I intend to take as I move through the information. Is God Necessary?             Now, I want to preface this...