A Thought That Terrifies Me (A Writing for the Martyrs)
Prior to entering into my thoughts I should preface this writing with a little background. Suffering is not something new in the world nor am I a stranger to mild forms of it. I have had to put my body through tough things and have had deep emotional scars due to the untimely deaths of many people I have worked with or considered friends. With that said, I see my life's sorrows and pains as but miniscule blips on the radar of some of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, who have endured much for our Lord. Which leads me to this terrifying thought (which I am sure many will be able to relate too, especially in the west). Some of you reading this may be familiar with the Voice of the Martyrs, a ministry started by Dr. Richard Wurmbrand to speak for/ support those who suffer for the faith (if you are not I encourage you to look into this ministry and husband/ wife duo). There are Christians out there (I am aware suffering is not just a Christian thing but is relevant for me and m...